الأحد، 18 نوفمبر 2012

Postfix to Prefix Expression

// into Prefix Expression


struct oprtor 
int pstion[30]; // to hold the position where the operator should be added in
// prefix conversion
int top ;
char array [30];
} o; // to store the operators during the process
struct oprtor temp; // to temporarily hold operators before pushing them into o

void push ( struct oprtor *o , char el , int position ) // used to push operators into ( o ) or ( temp )
if ( o->top == 29 )
cout << "Stack is full " << endl;
exit ( 1 );

o->array [ ++o->top ] = el ;
o->pstion[ o->top ] = position ;

char pop ( struct oprtor *o ) // to pop operators from the oprtor or temp
if ( o->top == -1 )
cout << " The stack is empty " << endl ;
exit ( 1 );
return ( o->array [ o->top --] ) ;

int isoprnd ( char a )

if ( (a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z' ) ||(a >= 'a' && a <= 'z' ) )
return 1;
return 0;
int isoprtor ( char a )
switch ( a )
case '+' :
case '-' :
case '*' :
case '/' :
case '$' :
return 1 ;
default :
return 0 ;
int main ()
char postfix[30] , prefix[30];
int post =0 , pre = -1 ;
int position = 2 , tempint ;
char tempop;
int i = 0;
o.top = -1;
temp.top = -1 ;

cout << "Please enter an expression using Postfix form : \n\n";
cin >> postfix ;

while (postfix[post] != '\0')

if ( ! isoprnd(postfix[post]) && ! isoprtor (postfix[post]))
cout<< "\nthe expression has improper characters ";
if (isoprnd(postfix[post]))
i ++;
if (isoprtor(postfix[post]))
i --;
post ++;
post -- ;
if ( i != 1 ) // to check that each operator has 2 operands
cout << " The expression is invalid \n\n\n" ;
exit (1);

while(post != -1)

if(isoprtor( postfix[post]))
position = 2;
for(i = post-1; position !=0 ; i --)
position --; 
position ++; 
if ( i < -1 )
cout<<"\nThe order of operators is incorrect";
position = i+1;
if (position < post-2) // operator's operands are more than 2 characters
push(&temp , postfix[post] , position); 
else // operator's operands are just 2 characters
while(temp.top != -1 && temp.pstion[temp.top] == position)
tempint = temp.pstion[temp.top];
tempop = pop(&temp);
push(&o, tempop, tempint);

post -- ;
while(temp.top != -1)
tempint = temp.pstion[temp.top];
tempop = pop(&temp); 

// Now start reading from the beginning of the postfix string
post = 0;
while(postfix[post] !='\0')
if (isoprnd(postfix[post]))
while( o.top != -1 && o.pstion[o.top] == post)
pre ++;
prefix[pre] = pop(&o); 

pre ++;
prefix[pre] = postfix[post]; 

post ++; 
cout<<"\n\nthe string in the prefix form is :\n\n";
for (i = 0; i <= pre; i ++)
return 0 ;

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